Less Is More: How This Austin CTO Streamlines His Daily Routine

Invoice Home Chief Technology Officer Jiri Hradil shared the upside to his pared-down routine — and the four things he needs to unlock peak productivity.

Written by Brigid Hogan
Published on Jul. 15, 2024
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There are four things Invoice Home Chief Technology Officer Jiri Hradil needs to thrive in his daily work: a trusted computer, seamless internet connection, distraction-free environment — and time. 

“Time in my office is my most valuable asset,” said Hradil. “It allows me to accomplish anything I set my mind to.” 

Time well spent is the upside to Hradil's pared-down routine, and it places him in a rarefied group of high-performing individuals — less than half of employees in the United States report feeling productive on a regular basis, according to McKinsey & Company.     

“If everyone has the same number of hours in the day, why do some people seem to get so much more done than others?” wrote Gary Keller, author of The One Thing, of this prolific minority. 

The key is “ignoring all the things you could do and doing what you should do,” Keller argued. 

In Hradil’s world, this means banishing slow connections, tech distractions and extra noise in favor of tackling the tasks that matter most. Built In Austin sat down with Hradil to walk through every step of his daily path to peak productivity.  


Jiri Hradil
Chief Technology Officer • Invoice Home

Invoice Home is a billing and invoicing service for small businesses and freelancers seeking to grow their business or start a new one.


Tell us about a day in your life.

My typical workday is much like that of many others. I start with a simple routine: grabbing coffee, saying goodbye to my family and heading to the office. 

However, what truly makes my day fulfilling is when I can immerse myself in my work — particularly coding — without interruptions. I find my office to be the perfect environment to focus.

The key to success is infusing love and passion into every task, and persevering even when faced with setbacks. In essence: Work diligently, persist, and have faith in yourself.


“Work diligently, persist and have faith in yourself.”


What advice do you have for tech professionals hoping to build sustainable and energizing daily routines? 

Success, in my view, boils down to a straightforward yet powerful formula — show up and put in the effort until you achieve your objectives. 

When you’re genuinely passionate about what you do, the path forward becomes clearer, and the challenges along the way serve as mere stepping stones toward your ultimate goals. Rather than dwelling on uncertainties, focus on aligning your efforts with your passions and watch as success naturally follows.



Responses have been edited for length and clarity. Images provided by Shutterstock and listed companies.