Perks that matter: 5 Austin techies reveal the benefits they care about most

Written by Kelly O'Halloran
Published on Jun. 17, 2019
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The employee perk lists tech companies offer continue to grow, with additions like beauty budgets, pet insurance and nap pods beginning to make the rounds. But are they fan favorites? For these Austin techies, not so much. What they love most about their company perks align more with the flexibility and trust they are given to do their jobs well. But don’t take our word for it — take theirs.


opcity austin
photo via opcity

New parent Justin Kurtz praised Opcity for their rock solid health plans that provide lots of in-network options for he and his growing fam. The consumer success supervisor also hit on a few of his other favorite perks from the company behind the rapidly expanding real estate leads platform.


What are your favorite perks your company offers, and why?

Opcity has perks galore, it's mind blowing! I personally love the perk of having a catered lunch provided by Opcity every single day. Any time you're thirsty, you can pop over to the multiple soda machines and get a free soda or sparkling water, if you prefer. There's also a huge snack bar stocked with delicious treats and a gym onsite for anyone looking to get a workout in. Also, my wife and I had a baby this year, and the health plan provided by Opcity was phenomenal and allowed for tons of options for in-network providers.

These perks make me excited to come to work because I know that my family and I will be taken care of.

How do these perks make you a better employee?

Opcity shows us all every day that it values us, and our commitment to “one team, one dream” is stronger than ever. I never have to worry about the small things that can deter me from staying focused on the big picture of helping our clients and being the absolute best at what we do in the industry. These perks make me excited to come to work because I know that my family and I will be taken care of. Not to mention, Opcity is constantly asking for feedback and ideas for new perks to provide, so this is just the start!


image via khoros

Macy Foreman, Khoros’ talent experience and benefits partner, boldly claimed the marketing tech company has some of the best benefits and perks. We’ll let her explain why.


What are your favorite perks your company offers, and why?

My favorites have to be our endless supply of cold brew on tap and the free lunches Monday through Thursday. And if cold brew isn’t your jam, we have an espresso machine, brewed hot coffee, tea, and a variety of other cold drink and snack options. I’m a big fan of our onsite gym, which hosts boot camp three times a week and yoga classes twice a week. Khoros also offers flexible paid time off, paid volunteer time, and work from home and schedule flexibility. I’m proud to work for a company that promotes a culture of learning, encouraging employees to move both vertically and horizontally within the company.

Khoros is a company that wants to see its employees grow and succeed.

How do these perks make you a better employee?

Healthy meals, snacks, drinks, and access to a gym and workout classes promote both health and well-being. I have noticed that having access to these benefits have positively impacted my productivity, attitude and quality of work. Working for an organization that values a work-life balance with time off and work-from-home flexibility is essential. Professional development is very important to me, and Khoros values employee development. From hiring best practices to providing continuous learning and development opportunities, to encouraging employees to move up or around in the company, Khoros is a company that wants to see its employees grow and succeed.


pinpoint office
photo via pinpoint

Jose Diaz, Pinpoint’s data science team lead, values a collection of fun perks that can be chalked up under one overarching theme: office culture. For someone in one of the most demanding fields in tech, a relaxed and pleasant work environment is of utmost appreciation.


What are your favorite perks your company offers, and why?

A few things jump to mind that, more broadly, fall under office culture. This includes a highly flexible schedule, our bi-weekly happy hours, group lunches and more. Two weeks ago, we ate at a burger joint and a Chinese barbecue restaurant when people were available. Plus, at least once a week, someone will bring in a food or drink to share. Last week, we celebrated National Donut Day with two dozen donuts and a homebrew saison.

All these little culture pieces come together to help take some of the mental load off that comes with work.

How do these perks make you a better employee?

All these little culture pieces come together to help take some of the mental load off that comes with work — especially in the field of data science! Having a flexible schedule allows me to handle tasks like taking care of my dog and any house or car issues that pop up, which would affect me throughout a normal workday if I didn't have time to take care of them. Being able to shift my schedule earlier or later is a big part of a work-life balance that is real, not just lip service.


ez texting austin
photo via ez texting.

EZ Texting account executive Kaitlyn Vaughn’s favorite perk involves sweat, camaraderie and sportsmanship. She said playing in recreational sports leagues alongside her coworkers has helped build lasting friendships that extend well outside the office.


What are your favorite perks your company offers, and why?

There are so many great perks and benefits of working at EZ Texting. We have unlimited sick days, rolling holidays, great PTO time, a dog-friendly office, out-of-office get togethers, incredible health, vision and dental benefits and so much more. One of my favorite benefits is the gym reimbursement and sports team reimbursement.

Our company encourages a healthy lifestyle and team-building for all of their employees.

How do these perks make you a better employee?

Recently, we were able to organize a kickball team within the office. I'm fortunate enough to work alongside some of the greatest people I know — people who've become some of my closest friends. Being able to participate in team sports outside of the office was an incredible way for me to bond with colleagues that I don't normally interact with on a daily basis at work and foster new friendships with them. I love that the camaraderie on the field was reflected in the office and that our company encourages a healthy lifestyle and team-building for all of their employees.


photo via activeprospect

Lead acquisition platform ActiveProspect offers a handful of perks for employees that include standup desks, a dog-friendly office and bi-weekly team workouts. One in particular, however, stands out for Senior Account Executive Adam Chickman and it involves the freedom to get your job done.


What are your favorite perks your company offers, and why?
In a word: trust. AP trusts its employees to act in the best interest of the company and provides the autonomy and latitude to be successful.

AP trusts its employees to act in the best interest of the company and provides the autonomy and latitude to be successful.

How do these perks make you a better employee?

This is a rare trait within a company but one that instills a sense of ownership over your work. Working for ActiveProspect doesn't feel like a job but rather a mission that you're collectively working on as part of a team and a team that you want to win with.


Responses have been edited for clarity and length.